Biomass Briquetting Equipment
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What's the function of charcoal made by briquette machine?

Due to the features of smoke-free, high calorific value and long burning time, charcoal produced by briquette machine is often used for heating, barbecue, hotpot, etc. It has been favored by more and more people.

charcoal by briquette machine

There are numerous holes in the charcoal, which can absorb various substances and release adsorbent substances. Therefore, it can be used as a dehumidifier. In damp climates, charcoal can absorb the moisture and release it when the weather is dry, thus playing an excellent role in adjusting humidity. In addition, charcoal can also eliminate the smell and harmful substances in the room.

The porous nature of charcoal can not only store the water needed by the roots of plants, but also improve the permeability and drainage of soil, which is beneficial to provide a good living space for microorganism of plants. Charcoal produced by briquette machine can provide a healthy growth environment for plants by adding 5% to 10% of the charcoal in the potted soil of flowers and trees. For courtyard trees, on the other hand, it can enhance disease and insect resistance.

Decorative charcoal is also widely used home decoration as more and more people have begun to pay attention to environmental protection, nature, health and humanized concept of decoration. Decorative charcoal, using a small pore space and a pinch of soil, can produce a luxuriant potted landscape. In addition, charcoal also helps to preserve food and used as a deodorant in the fridge.

Sawdust briquette machine produced by our company is the professional equipment for briquettes and charcoal production. It has been proved with high working efficiency, simple operation and low power consumption by a large number of users in many countries around the world. If you are interested in our briquette machine and other equipment, contact us by the form below to get more information about our briquette machine.